Mr. Saltwater Tank

Where I’ve Been and What I’ve Been Up To

For those of you who read my blog regularly, you’ve probably noticed that things have been a little quiet in Mr. Saltwater Tank world.

Why is that? Well, I’ve been spending time with my son, Bridger, who was born in May 14th. He is Callahan boy #8 in a row (yeah Y chromosome) and I am happy to say that mom and baby are both healthy and doing well.


After an extended hospital stay and after 2 weeks of very few hours of sleep each night, he’s starting to sleep more which means a normal(ish) schedule for me.

So, I’ll be returning to blogging regularly as well as getting you more Mr. Saltwater Tank TV shows including a tour of a 440 gallon tank that a friend of mine is building.

Thanks for your patience and I’ll be back with y’all tomorrow.

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