Mr. Saltwater Tank

Terrible Advice Tuesdays (T.A.Tues): Minimum Tank Size For Coral

Terrible Advice Tuesdays: A 55 gallon (208 L) tank isn’t big enough for corals.

The rest of the story: Every time I re-read this advice, I’m speechless. The idea that corals need a big tank to grow, let alone survive, is insane.

Corals don’t have an inch-per-gallon rule like fish. And if you have a pico tank, then corals are best livestock for it. You could argue that in a small tank, there is the danger of aggressive corals touching one another and killing each other, and this same danger exists in a big tank if the corals are placed in close proximity to each other.

There is also the argument that a larger tank is more stable, therefore corals will be more likely to thrive in a big tank. And this terrible advice is suggesting that there is a minimum water volume needed for corals to survive which isn’t true.

If someone gives you the advice that you need a big tank for corals to live, RUN!


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Comments for this article (24)

  • Matt says:

    Tricked out zoa crazy nano tank anyone? Daft people out there… don’t they know that nearly anything is possible with the right attitude… 🙂

  • Nikolaus says:

    I think the issue is less with volume and more space. Aquascape, square footage of the footprint, a 55 is a squeeze, it can be done, but most people I find talking about 55s aren’t talking so much about keeping corals, but keeping a healthy tank.

  • There is a difference between what’s easy/ difficult and what’s possible. Take a look at all the awesome nano tanks out there and you’ll want one to. I still love the sexy tank.

  • Tony V says:

    I started my saltwater tank hobby with a 55 gallon tank no problem here. Then I move up to a 75 next a 125 too 150. That’s where I’ll stay.

  • Oliver Weitzel says:

    We have a 20 gal. Coral tank that is doing great. Only fish in it is a maroon clown. Running two T-5’s and doing weekly water changes and we have not had any major issues.

  • Nikolaus says:

    Dee, I have been looking at tanks since the 80s and I have yet to find a nano that I care for. In my opinion they are too small too cramped, and for the money, not something I would ever consider doing.

  • Lyle Bradford says:

    Back in 1996 I started a 15 gallon mini-reef tank with fish an anemone a clown coral beauty a damsel and mushrooms! Only filter on it was a Skilter filter and it did great! So I guess I was doing them before the rage! Water changes and testing!

  • william says:

    I am in the process of upsizing my reef tank right now. Main reason I am doing this is to get a grip on my nitrates without loosing anymore fish. I sold the majority of my fish and want them back. I want my tangs again (blue regal, powder blue) that just seemed unhappy in the 55. When they was in the 90 they seemed so much happier. From what I have found on tangs they need larger than a 90 gallon. Is the 90 gallon ok for me to have my tangs again?

  • Lyle Bradford says:

    I have a tang in my 55 and 2 tangs in my 54 custom corner reef tank and they are fat, sassy and very happy! 2 yellows and a sailfin!!!

  • william says:

    my blue regal was extremely unhappy in the 55. so much so his fins were getting tattered

  • Lyle Bradford says:

    I believe some tangs just do better in a smaller environment than others! I had 2 small hippo tangs with the yellow tang and they did great also! They grew and prospered so I moved them into larger tank and sold one! They seem to be like snakes! If you take a small snake and put them in a large tank sometimes they won’t grow as fast as being in a tank that is just right! Not sure if that makes sense but that is what I have found out! But you do know that what works for some people doesn’t always work for others! I also believe that people tend to screw with their tanks way too much and that can off set the daily relaxed balance in a tank! Just like me, I don’t like people just popping by my house and knocking on my door if they didn’t call first! If I am outside and they are passing by that is one thing but don’t just pop by and think I have time to hang out and have a beer unless you are buying! LOL! I just do not like unannounced guests but that is just me!

  • juliano says:

    Hi every one..I started out in this hobby coming up on a year now. My 1st tank was a 10gallon Nano. Yeah it was a problem to keep up but I did it and I’m still in to nanos I just moved up to a 30gallon bow front. Now nanos are easy to keep for me my CA is always around 420 to 450 my KB is always at 10 and Ph is at 8.4 so saying nanos are hard to keep is funny for me btw my tank is mostly sps

  • william says:

    my yellow tang seems just fine in the 55 but the blue regal was totally stressed.

  • Lyle Bradford says:

    I have done well with Scopas tangs also! just have to keep the yellow tang fed and away from them! If I add another tang to my 55 I will add the yellow I have with another sailfin or scopas!

  • Matt says:

    I tell you what ever since I upgraded to a 150 gallon my fish seem way happier and healthier they all seem to do fine in my 72 gallon but in my eyes bigger is better not only for you but also for your fish your temperatures dont swing as much everything is just harder to maintain in a small tank that’s why I say go big or go home!

  • Matt says:

    Everything is just easier to deal with because you’re dealing with it on a bigger scale it’s just common sense!

  • Lyle Bradford says:

    You are very correct in the bigger is easier concept but for those of us who do not have the money to start big or up grade it is our responsibility to make sure we do what is necessary to keep our smaller tanks in the utmost and healthiest conditions for our animals! My biggest was a 125 and it was a joy to watch and take care of! I have been at both ends of the tank keeping sizes and plan on adding a 250-300 gallon as a room divider or main wall feature in my new addition for my bedroom! My house was built in 1783 so I am having the new addition built especially for the load and much overkill! Can’t wait! I will definitely be doing a video or at least pictures throughout the whole addition and tank build!

  • Bruce says:

    I got a 14 gal. BioCube, can I put a 4″ Favia, a 30 head Torch, a 8″ frogspawn and maybe some acros in the middle of it all?

  • David decarli says:

    Aww mark now ya blew it for me. I had the wife believing that i needed a 240 or bigger. O well back to the drawing board.

  • Bryan says:

    I don’t think a 55 gallon is an undoable tank for corals, it is just an inefficient one. Because the 55 is so tall and narrow you are pushing your light through more water to hit a smaller horizontal plane of aquascaping. The jump from 36 inch to 48 inch tank comes with a big premium on lighting with much of your energy going out the front and back of the glass. For the money you are better off going with a broader 36 by 18 inch tank such as a 40/50 breeder or 65 and you will have more area to aquascape in. If floor space it at a premium and you want a big looking tank then 55 is a good choice. A broader shallower tank will give you an aquascape with more depth of field, makes better use of lighting, allows you to grow more corals, and, in my opinion, is easier to work in. Plus the deeper stand allows you to put more under the cabinet or in your sump. Cheers!

  • benny says:

    Hahaha. Go big or go home .I like that.

  • Carlton Frisk says:

    Oh boy. Too many petty attempts to make reefing too easy and thus subject to high failure rates. Worst website in history. Yes put coral in a 20 gallon tank, this way you have zero stability with parameters, and thus will be exiting the hobby in due time.

  • Matt says:

    Carlton Frisk… you really have absolutely no idea of what your talking about do you. I’m afraid that wasn’t a question but rather a statement of fact! I’m not trying to be rude but simply making sure that any genuinely interested newcomer to the hobby isn’t put off by your pointless and completely groundless comments!

    Honestly if you can’t say something constructive, useful or indeed supportable with irrefutable evidence then do the world a favour and keep schtum!

  • juliano harris says:

    I’m with you Matt I started out with a 10gallon Nano it was a softie tank but now I moved up to a 30 sps tank and my tank is happier then a pig in poop 🙂 and I only have 2 fish in it a dart goby and a dimond goby to me now nanos are the esay tanks

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