Mr. Saltwater Tank

In the Spirit Of Friday Night: Mandarins Mating

I picked up a male Green Mandarin last week and to my delight, he paired right up with my female and they mated last night.

The mandarin’s mating dance is quite the sight to see as the male darts around the tank, looking for the female and when he finds her, the dance begins at the bottom of the tank and continues to the surface. Once on the surface, the dance is broken off and quickly begun again.

So in the spirit of Friday night, here are my mandarins mating in full HD:

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Comments for this article (1)

  • Luke Johnston says:

    Hey Mark at 1:45 in this video i see u have some green algae on your sand bed. I am getting this also and its getting bad. What exactly is it and how can i get rid of it?

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