Mr. Saltwater Tank

And Sometimes You Flat Out Make A Mistake

I read your feedback and here’s what I have to say about it

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Update: I want to thank all of you who left me your comments below.  Nearly all of the 176 comments are positive and while I cannot respond to each comment, I have read them and thank you for your support .  Your words mean a lot to me and I’m not going to stop doing what I’m doing!


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Comments for this article (187)

  • curtis says:

    1. Algae doesn’t remove silicates.
    2. Algae’s put out noxious chemicals that prohibit growth in sps and lps.
    3. Algae has the posibility to re-release absorbed nitrates and phosphates.
    4. Algae aren’t true denitrifiers to produce gas ex-change for nitrate to exit the water columb. Also the uptake wouldn’t be fast enough for our small high nutrient systems.
    5. you’d need several types of Macro Algae. One type of algae isn’t a silver bullet for nitrate and phosphate. If there truly is let me know!
    P.s just guessing. And I had no problem with your vid, it just made me wanna to find out. Keep doin what your doing.

  • Pat says:

    thanks mark for handling this the way you did, i got scared yesterday that you turned into a man about the money. Im happy that your not! Your the one that got me into the hobby of saltwater reef keeping, and im only 14!
    Thanks again for apoligizing. -pat

  • Jeanette B says:

    I join my voice with those who feel you have NOTHING to apologize for! This is not only your hobby but your business and you have been kind enough to entertain and inform us without charge far more than you have offered advice for sale. You have every right to strive to make a living doing something you love!

    The bottom line is that there are simply a few folks out there who don’t have the motivation to pay attention to your Facebook discussions and study all of your videos in depth. They want someone to distill it all down to a few steps and do it for free so they don’t have to put out either the effort or the expense!

    My ONLY complaint is that, more often than not, it seems that you offer your Guides when our budget is too tight to purchase it. Please cut that out! 😉

    To Steve and the few others who still insist on trying to tell Mark, our beloved Mr. Saltwater Tank, how he should market and run his business I have only one word for you: Seriously…?

  • Phil says:

    Hello Mark, I would not worry about all of the bad comments. take it as a compliment it just goes to show how many people you’re reaching out there and that’s a good thing. I never forget I joined a chat room a couple of months ago and I happen to mention that anybody using LED lighting needed to use UV also for their corals. Boy guess what I got slammed against the wall I had more people jump down my throat telling me that you don’t need UV. In the end I just scrubbed that off. sometimes it happens. Please continue with what you are doing and don’t worry about those bad comments ,it comes with the job. looking forward to your next program and tip. thanks Phil

  • Bob says:

    Hey mark, I just want to say you helped me with EVERYTHING with my tank! Don’t worry about the comments, those people are just jelous of you! Don’t let some mean people put you down! I look up to you and thanks for everything! (:

  • Lou says:

    Thank you Mark. All- The issue is not about money or even the guide rather it is about tactics and what the website represents.

  • Fishboy says:

    Hey mark some people just dont understand the concept of “Just Business” don’t worry about it.

  • Sandra says:

    I just wanted to say I appreciate the need to earn money and I have bought your guides in the past. I too would like to see some more videos besides the Friday morning quick tip. Still haven’t seen the new tank yet….

  • Aravin says:

    Hey Mark! There are many people out there who are just simply jealous! Maybe they are jealous of your tank or something! Why bother? I’ve learnt alot from you ever since I started this hobby! Keep up the good work mark! Your videos are awesome! Cheers from Aravin, Singapore.

  • Agriff says:

    Hey Mark don’t forget…”You can’t please everyone”. You do an awesome job! Thank you

  • chris whitney says:

    a guy has to make a living.. i have no problem with you pitching a book. I have been following you for over a year and think you keep the bar high and have integrity when it comes to your recommendations. I have learned so much from your stuff you never charge for. Keep up the good work. I can handle a occasional sales pitch.


  • Eric says:

    Oh man totally caught off guard with the apology. No worries you do great things for so many of us. Thank you so much for your efforts. You should apologize to yourself for apologizing to us absolutely no need to apologize. But, thanks keep up the good work I always look forward to it and I think you are great. Peace-E

  • russell says:

    You can really tell by the way he looks and acts in this video that he is hurt by the response of the last video. I was dissappointed in the video myself. But i wasnt “mad” and i thought alot of the comments i read were out of line. I LOVE Marks vids, as well as Steelo and BRS’ videos. Alot of great information. But i did feel like that last video was misleading and left you hanging. If he would have included a tip or two before plugging the guide, i dont think it would have been as big of a deal to some.

  • jrockflimflam says:

    I used to have a reef tank. I have been thinking about getting back in to it. I have been watching you for many months now. You did nothing wrong. I support your decision to make the pitch. The only reason I have not bought it yet is I don’t actively have plans to of setting one up. When I do get ready I would like to purchase a copy then. Our country has turned into an entitlement state where everyone expects something for free. Your knowledge has value. You give lots of it for free but there is nothing wrong with being paid for your knowledge as well. Keep up the great work.

  • JP says:

    Am not one of those hater! I love all of your vids! And now a free bouns part of your guide!!!! Totally cool!!!! Your the man mark! Keep up the great work!

  • james watkins says:

    hey mark thanks i have been watcking lots of your videos and cant thanks you enough for the help especially since alot of it is no nonsense and some of it goes into depth for a fairly newbie like me i am a reef enthusiast and didnt meen to be jus yet but hey it happens and glad to be one i was preety po ed that it all was going twoards hey do you have this problem well heres why and to fix it you have to buy my guide to it. glad to see that you apoligized and jsut remember that we the viewers keep it going and while the occasinal you have to buy a guide to learn more is ok jsut not all the time but all in all keep up the good work and happy reefing

  • Craig says:

    Hi Mark,

    Wow! I feel sorry for you mate… Your just a guy trying to make a buck in life like all of us.

    It must cost a bomb to keep this website going, and what are you expected to do it for free?

    C’mon everyone, give him a break FFS!

  • Matt Wilcox says:

    Mark you are the man 
    I wouldn’t worry about those idiots at all, you do a great job I look forward to watching your videos. 

    I’ve been in this hobby the last six years and when i ask people their opinions on something about my tank I’m given so many different answers. 

    It shows you put a lot of work into your videos & they are enjoyable to watch & good to know they are there to view. It would be really disappointing if  you stopped making them.

    I believe this is a trial error hobby & not everybody knows everything, that’s what makes it so interesting.

    All the best

    P.s when are you coming to Australia for a convention?

  • William says:

    you did nothing wrong, some people dont understand that there has to be some form of incentive to produce a website, magazine, or fill in the blank…. and this is usually money. im sure it took quite a bit of your time to set up this site, write these guides, and advertise Mr. salt water tank. people dont understand, if you like this program you have to support it. it takes alot of time to produce something like this. if it comes between paying the mortgage and make a web video, most of us would choose the mortgage. in the past three years i have seen multiple magazines in the custom car world go under people in that hobby just weren’t subscribing. the first people to complain, go figure were not subscrbers. people who once in a blue moon buy a mag. but mostly read it on the newstand. mark the poeple crying are more than likly freeloaders don’t listen to them. PLEASE PEOPLE, IF YOU LIKE SOMETHING SUPPORT IT, OR IT MAY NOT BE HERE TOMORROW!

  • Kanye West says:

    yo mark, im gonna let you finish, but i had one of the best apologies of all time!

  • dave decarli says:

    no worries. i just wonder where you got that info from? if there’s a single algae that does all that the chemical co would get rid of it some how! lol so the heck with them. (just watch it some ones allways watching) lol

  • donnie k says:

    No need to apologize. Dont worry about them crybabies.

  • Beau says:

    I too am joining the people who think you have nothing to apologize for. I think it is great that you wrote up a guide to help people get into one of the most amazing hobbies in the world. Your advice and reviews have helped a lot of people, including me, and I am cool with you looking at some of this as a small business. Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do. I appreciate it!

  • Brian says:

    Keep up the good work.. Do not worry about all the haters out there. I have watched every video you have made, you have been my mentor through my whole saltwater tank setup!

  • Keith says:

    Thanks for all the info Mark. I really learned a lot from your videos.

    One thing though, why put deadlines on your guide. Seems like you are making us rush to buy them.

  • Scott says:

    Wow hate mail? Really? It is a hobby that we all share a common interest in and we are here to support one another and learn from each others mistakes. Mark loves this hobby and is passion for it shows. I like to get paid for my work and the effort I put into it so why shouldn’t Mark? Keep it up, I watch all the videos and yes, I’m an enthusiasts on a dabblers budget. 🙂

  • admcmps says:

    Hi Mark,
    This hobby has given me countless hours of enjoyment, and I have to say I would not still be in it without your site/videos. I own a graphics and video production company and I understand all the work you put into not only recording, but editing, rendering, out putting, converting, and posting. Let alone all of the risks you take in experimentation on your tank that save ours the trouble. For anyone who who thinks the price for the guide is too high, think about how much you would pay for a single frag, I think that might put the cost of the guides and the peace of mind that comes with them in perspective. Not to mention that 90% of Mark’s content is free to you…Thanks for the videos Mark, would like to see the new tank!

  • Aaron Wright says:

    Don’t worry about it mate! No need to apologize. You do a great job and we all make mistakes.

  • Arthur Sych says:

    You’ve made no mistake Mark. The people who made those negative comments are just a product of this Leftist entitlement society that is poisoning this great country of ours. For years you give them free information and now they feel they’re entitled to it. I mean,” How dare you try to charge them money for it, don’t you know your supposed to give away for free?” To hell with them, long live and long live Capitalism!

  • Jolene says:

    Oh wow. For the love of Gobies, do NOT bring up politics!! ugh… Hey Mark, at least this has all brought you even more exposure, and your guide is probably selling like carbon now. 😉

  • Gil Fisher says:

    I thought the apology was a nice touch. I personally haven’t purchased anything from you but I do watch the videos for entertainment value and enjoy them. They remind me of the 24 hour deal at that marine store. I think it was a good decision.
    Just a neutral observer!

  • Jose C. says:

    I appreciate the help you have given all of us and our tanks. Good to see you are humble enough to apologize (even though i feel you didn’t need to). Keep up the good work.

  • Steve says:

    Bill & Others….Im just being honest. I only watch the videos to look at Marks cool Tanks and his cool equipment and to experience what he has experienced in his reef-keeping ventures eg. MACNA. Im not here to get free or paid information. If it is going to turn into a plug-a-thon of Mark selling his stuff, I and alot of other people who made Mr Saltwater Tank popular will simply stop watching the videos. Im sure Mark does not want that. With that being said Mark can sell his used underwear for all I care LOLOL nobody is blaming him for trying to make a buck. I just think he’s going about it the wrong way. He already has Mr, sell and plug the guide there, not in the videos.

  • MrFreshWaterGuy says:

    Keep your spirit up high. Continue as before and don’t let cheap people get to you. Everybody has to make a living and you give so much allready. I am a tropical fish keeper that follow you and have baught your guids just so you can contine doing your shows. Thank you

  • phillip sorenson says:


    I could see in this video that this really got to you man. Look, I really like what you do. I’m sorry people got upset, but I think EVERYTHING you have done is really really ok. and the people that got ugly about this … idk, i just don’t think they are right. THANK YOU for what you do and how you are. I really have enjoyed what you do. Thank you again.
    Phillip Sorenson

  • David Jackson says:

    I think that you do a great job with all your video and help. I know that they have giving me a lot of information a a hobby that I am just getting started in. Thank you can keep up the good work.

  • plucky duck says:

    Hi mark! You didn’t do anything wrong. A lot of your videos have been quite helpful. I live in canada and it’s extremely hard to get any good advice and good equipment as well. You’ve helped me out a lot and I dont expect anything for free. People forget that it is a hobby and some things have to be properly researched and a lot of trial and error is to be expected. Take what people say with a grain of salt as they all seem to want it for free. When you have time I’d love to give you a few suggestions for some of your videos. Anyway, let me know and if anybody else gives you a hard time and I’ll fly down south and tell them to duck off, lol!

  • Hey Mark–I read the unkind comments–you have NOTHING to apologize for; that sort of thing should be done through email, not to the general public. I grew up on the addage “praise in public, criticize in private”

    If what you were doing was somehow blatantly unfair, dishonest, or harmful, then maybe there’s a point. There’s no crime in trying to make an honest living doing what you love AND helping others with what they love.

    You have a firm supporter here in France. . . .

    Best regards,


  • Hello again Mark–I just read the link material. Nice work! Consider this method, also, as a good way to market your materials–sneak peeks with value really get attention and showcase your work. Now I want to know more. . . .

    Thanks again for everything!


  • leebrindley says:

    what exactly did u do to upset everyone im lost ????

  • Ross says:

    He plugged his book after giving us a teaser. OMG.

  • Michael says:

    No apology needed or any offence taken, by the sounds of it there’s a few selfish ppl out there. keep up the good work mate 😀

  • Rasmus says:

    Hey man.. No hate from me!
    I love you show – most of the time.. Well, sometimes it can be a bit to short…
    I hope you have a nice day and don’t take all the hater to serious..

    Ups BTW still think you should look in to mangroves.. I have them with rly good results!

  • Lee brindley says:

    Is that it if ya don’t like it don’t buy it alot of the info mark gives is comen sence and I don’t blame him for trying to sell his book if anything I think he should start selling it on a DVD

  • rick c. says:

    Hello. I have had fresh water tanks for years and thought that salt water would be extreamly difficult. Then I ran across mr saltwater tv. I watched the show for 6 months before I finnaly switched over to salt water. Your advise is valuable to me and I look forward to more. Keep up the good work. Too the neg comment folks, you ever heard of small business?

  • Marcus Carter says:

    Mark, people these days want everything for free. Barely anyone wants to put in the hard work, research, and trial and error when getting into this hobby. No need to apologize to those trying to get everything for free. You are a business man, continue to do that. They should be greatful with the info you have put out already…You can’t please everybody.

  • Jon says:

    you got get books for free you tossers! you have to pay for them durrr!

  • Keith Hays says:

    I wasn’t going to order prior to your “mistake”, but after reading the chapter you released, there was definitely new information that is not available else where on the internet, so I placed the order. Keep up the great work.

  • Paul says:

    Hang in there you are doing a more than great job and besides your genuine enthusiasm and commitment to reefing that’s still what it is… A job. So don’t worry and continue with what you are doing and for all I am concerned…. Keep pitching for al you are worth which is a lot.

    Thanx from a soon to be complete reef junky

    Paul ( from the Netherlands)

  • Steven says:

    Don’t listen to the haters. Have been keeping marines for less than a year and have picked up a mine of information from you and your show.
    Keep up the good work

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