Mr. Saltwater Tank

And Sometimes You Flat Out Make A Mistake

I read your feedback and here’s what I have to say about it

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Update: I want to thank all of you who left me your comments below.  Nearly all of the 176 comments are positive and while I cannot respond to each comment, I have read them and thank you for your support .  Your words mean a lot to me and I’m not going to stop doing what I’m doing!


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Comments for this article (187)

  • jimmy says:

    you have nothing to apologize for

  • Bill says:

    Wow!!! I guess the 99 percent folks are in the hobby as well. I guess when someone puts the countless hours into the research, testing and desemination of the this great tool, the 99 percent expect to get it for free!!! What is this world coming to? You are a stand up guy, keep up the great work. I look forward to your vids.

  • mark,you are not wrong for making a living.people in this country get paid for their expert knowledge all the time.keep up the good work.

  • Guts says:

    I would not worry too much about the crappy comments. People allways want everything for free, I mean really, who doesn’t. I really appretiate all your video’s and sharing you knowledge is awesome. I do thank you for any free guides you may offer to us, as I always read them.
    summary: Relax, lettum bitch if they want. Your doing a great job, and you should just grab a beer and put your feet up and watch the tank. (prob with the little one on your lap!)

    Keep it salty,

  • Simon says:

    Hi, Mark

    It’s because of your site that my love of saltwater tanks has flourished into a full blown hobby interest. I have spent, literally, hundreds of dollars on books and none of them come close to what your guides offer! Honestly! Yes, books have science, theory and reference on fish care but they just don’t explain step by step (up to date) information like your guides! I like your guides and videos cause they cut right to the chase with no bull.
    I will keep buying material from you knowing I get quick responses to questions that I have!
    Don’t let this get you down, you have plenty of support. Always looking forward to updates on your tank!

  • Mark says:

    …Really impressed with how you handled that. I have learned a lot from your videos. You were one of my “go to” sources when I started my little 90gal reef in February, and I continue to enjoy and value your insightful videos.

  • Hector Cruz says:

    Hey Mark, these “haters” are just your confused admirers! They can’t figure out the reason why everyone loves you… is clear to me that this hobby is something you really love and enjoy sharing with others…..

    Maybe like those guys working at your LFS, why don’t we ask them to give us some free fish and corals from time to time….hey, they love this hobby as well….

    You are truly a gentleman, Mark, keep charging whatever amount you think is fair for your guides, many of us will be glad to pay for them and acquire additional knowledge.



  • Matt says:

    Appreciate the response and the info I originally expected. IMO your site doesn’t draw in the mass affluent consumer or trolls…this isn’t a forum…people visit this site purely because they are in the hobby or because they are interested in it… and as I stated before “Feelings are Facts” and “Preception is Reality”. I’m in the client experience business and when the experience you use to getting changes, clients are likely to respond (positive or negative). Handling this so professionally has certainly motivated me to become more loyal and increases the likelihood of making a purchase. Great job Mark and good luck!

  • James says:

    I would say that using a teaser model can work, but you do have to give away one of your secrets, then let us know there are more to be had. Just tantalizing with secrets won’t really convince anyone, especially when the email claims that it will share the secret with me.

    That being said, I applaud your effort to make money, and hope the guides are beneficial to those who choose to buy them. If I could request something… more product reviews! I’m sure you can get free samples this way, and we will know what is crap and what is useful. Of course, honesty is imperative in the reviews, but that’s another topic.

  • Earl T says:

    You should not have caved in. Screw them, I enjoy your videos. We are all in this hobby together, there is nothing wrong with a little free enterprise. You have taken the initiative to put all of your knowledge on videos so that we may learn more about this hobby. I see no difference between turning on the television and watching a show and having to view mostly commercials. Well, there is a big difference, you are much more sincere and trying to help out your fellow reefer. Mark, this world is all about making money, everyone makes money. If these people don’t like it let them start their own Mr. Saltwater TV equivalent and not sell anything. You have nothing to apologize for. I didn’t buy the guide, that was a choice I made, because I don’t have the funds. I am on social security disability and I just couldn’t afford it, but I still don’t blame you for what you did. You have nothing to apologize for, my friend. I will continue to watch your videos and thank you for the effort you put forward to help these people who bashed you and to the rest of us. Thanks Mark-Keep up the great work!

  • David says:

    Just keep up the good work you have been doing. You have helped so many people, yet some out there expect you to do it for FREE all the time. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything, so you shouldn’t have to apologize. I’m pretty sure the people that are complaining will still visit your site often and continue watching your videos.

  • Steve says:

    I dont think people are mad because he is selling his guides. I think they are mad because he is using his videos to sell them. The same videos that made him so popular to begin with. He should setup another venue to sell the no-nonsense guide, perhaps a website to just sell his stuff or advise. The youtube videos were his idea, a great idea, nobody forced him to do those videos. So now he is using the popularity of the videos for monitary gain. The people that made him popular dont want another shamwow commercial. They just want mark and his awesome tanks, nothing else. If he wishes to sell advise to the newbies who are too lazy to do research on their own, then thats his right but setup another channel or another website to do so.

  • Gerardo says:

    I am proud and impressed with you Mark. What an honest and caring individual for the saltwater hobby. All those who wrote a negative remark, lets see if you are willing to apologies.

  • Alexandros Stampouloglou says:

    I am a big fan you Mark.You make everything look very simple!Keep up the videos and the good work!Thanks for all the information you are sharing thats the purpose of internet.

  • Jay says:

    Mark you definitely have nothing to be sorry about , this is an expensive hobby , also one that requires alot of knowledge, and experience to be successful !! You can’t just go to the Lfs Pick up the equipment and rock a reef tank your first time , I did countless hours of research through forums talking to experienced reef keepers, as well as talking to Lfs owners. No different than anyone else I’m sure !. There is no black in white in this hobby as information goes , it’s mostly grey !!!. What you do on your site is help people through the confusion and the guesswork in a very entertaining way! Best I’ve seen online , on the flipside it’s also expensive , so if you can make some supplemental income doing it , right on !! . Isn’t that the American dream makin money doing something you love? I’m Canadian and that sounds good to me !!! Lol ! Keep up the good work and let those videos flowin out !, I always look forward to the next one !

  • Terrance says:

    Please do not be discouraged by those that would try to bully you, you have every right to make a living from your exhaustive research and sharing your wisdom with us. I am brand new to the hobby and just researching before beginning my first saltwater tank, which i have decided will be 250 gallon FOWLR thanks to your definition of my tank personality. Please keep up the great work for those of us who appreciate everything you do!

  • Joshua Memme says:

    you have done nothing wrong, your videos help all saltwater aquarist and are amazing to watch. Ive learned so much about this hobby and am using everything ive learned into my new tank build. You should continue with this as it is so helpful to so many ppl

  • Tyler says:

    I don’t think you did any thing wrong. I mean this is how you make money for your vass knowledge of saltwater aquariums. Keep up the great work and thank you for the videos and the guides you have made.

  • Larry says:

    Mark dont worry you have our support. No matter what you do there will be people out there that doesnt like something you said, do or something you didnt do or said. Keep your head and keep doing what you do.

  • Gregory Martin says:

    Mark I bought the guide and I loved it. I am had bad advice since day one of my saltwater life and had algea problems for day one. I am following your advice and I hope to see results soon. Everything you said made sense to why your methods would work. My only complain now is you are giving away a free chapter of something I had to pay for.

  • Jolene says:

    Who exactly is complaining that they want the guide for free?? I’m not sure how this whole thing has turned into “everybody wants everything for free, yadda, yadda”… The biggest complaint was that people felt misled by the title of the video. Whether you’re Mark’s number one supporter or not, you can’t deny that it is frustrating to watch a video/commercial/ad, and hear “the secret formula is… you can find out if you buy such and such”. … I have bought two of Mark’s guides so far, and I never once expected to get them for free. Although I don’t agree with everything he says, and I run my tank differently, I still appreciate his efforts and passion for the hobby, and I’m always willing and wanting to learn new things. I think we can all be in agreement that a majority of the people in the saltwater business are out to make a buck, and they have little regard to the animals’ well being. It’s all about the sale, and I think many people were/are concerned Mark is turning into one of those sales people. Just my opinion about it. … You gained a lot of my respect for this video, Mark, and unlike someone else who commented, I think it takes a STRONG person to apologize. Kudos to you.

  • Carl says:

    Good job Mark, That free chapter is better advertising then the plug.
    Now I’m more convienced that I need to buy this book.



  • Bill says:

    Steve…why should he have to start an additional site. I am in the video production business and understand how much time, effort and expense it to takes to produce a minute of video for the web. Sure you can slap footage you grabbed off your phone and send it to youtube, but you haters would give that a thumbs down. Here is a concept alien to you folks…”you get what you pay for!!!” and that fact you get a ton of great information for free each and everyday from Mark you are already ahead. Enjoy the information, appreciate the time it takes, and stop with the hand extended out and buy the book, or start your own site, and give everything away for free!!!! It sounds like you should swim into the many blogs out there and take your advice and research from the 13 yr old in his underwear in his basement. Good luck to you.

  • Jolene says:

    “13 year old in his underwear in his basement”… hahahaha! That made me laugh really hard. 😀

  • Karl Weckstrom says:

    Boink! Bought the guide and a hardcopy 🙂

    Mark, I don’t feel you did anything wrong. You are obviously sensitive to this kind of criticism – and I guess anyone would be when attacked by the internet hordes. But all you really had to do was say, “Guys, c’mon, I got baby formula to buy, my daughter’s not old enough for Mysis shrimp yet!”

  • david says:

    this just shows what a Stand up guy you are…. you didnt even need to apologize AT ALL, THEY are the ones who need to apologize, some of those comments were rude and not cool. Let them go watch NY Steelo and LA fishguys for their free tips…(anyone catch the latest LA fish guy?! he still has a customer he services with freaking UNDER GRAVEL FILTERS?!!! ) i think this is by FAR the best series on Youtube, if they dont like your style and your videos because you are trying to get a little cash, they THEY can take a hike… you ROCK , keep up the GREAT work !

  • Ben says:

    wow , i mean this guy gives up his time to post tips to everyone for FREE ! and just a mention about buying a book which again he has given his time up to do and all this hate kicks off , you dont have to buy it he is just saying its there if you do give the guy a break

  • Wesley says:


    Last time I checked, you have bills to pay each month just like us and since when did people start expecting to get knowledge of such a complicated hobby like this for free. It’s either going to cost you money, time, trial and error or all three. Tell them dudes to go kick rocks and if they can’t afford the guide to save them money in the long run, get out of the hobby altogether. Keep up the great work!

  • JCE says:

    and the whinny child gets the cookie,

    Mark you really didnt have to apologize for anything , i admit i didnt like the way the video was made , like we had a silver bullet to tackle but i knew by reading other stuff that the “bullet” was phosphates , i didnt expect or want you to give out a free chapter, sometimes you cant just please everyone even those hard core fans

    keep up the good work Boss

  • Russell says:

    You do not owe anyone out there anything for free, Its amazing that people read you site for advise and then complain. If they dont want to buy something then dont. You shouldnt let the few ungrateful bastards ruin your day, there are bunches of people who like what you are doing and all the free tips are very helpful. Its a shame that people are much quicker to write a complaint than a Thank you. This is my Thank you, and keep doing what you are doing .

  • Julie says:

    ” It sounds like you should swim into the many blogs out there and take your advice and research from the 13 yr old in his underwear in his basement. Good luck to you.”

    PRICELESS! LOL. 2 Thumbs up Bill for that comment. It made my day! 🙂

  • Evan says:

    You rock!! Thanks for every thing you do for us!

  • Derek S says:

    A quote from Steve

    If he wishes to sell advise to the newbies who are too lazy to do research on their own,

    Steve, I am a newbie. You don’t know me from a hole in the wall. I don’t know this hobby as well as an experienced aquarist. Who are you to call some one with no experience such as myself lazy? Just what exactly do you think I am doing here at this forum? buying a car…..

    Derek S.

  • Daniel says:

    Look no one hates mark. As far as a person he seems to be a stand up guy. The main thing I don’t like is he took a show that was free and gave some good advice, and turned it into making money. Do I think he shouldn’t charge for his guides no. I just don’t need to see three or four videos promoting it. I like when you cover conventions that there is no way I will be able to go to and when you cover new equip. That’s the stuff I want to see. Mark I didn’t need a free chapter of your guide to make things right I just needed the apology that you gave for making the video that was misleading. And to all the people who only take advice from mark and are to lazy research other ways or listen to other people’s advice because you think mark is giving you the only sound advice there is to be had well quite frankly your not very intelligent. There is many ways to run a tank and you should investigate them all. Mark just don’t plug your guides more than once trust me it is enough.

  • Derek S says:

    Daniel, your Quote

    “And to all the people who only take advice from mark and are to lazy research other ways or listen to other people’s advice because you think mark is giving you the only sound advice there is to be had well quite frankly your not very intelligent”

    Way to insult all newbies out there like my self. Do you honestly think this is only forum people like my self look at? and then have the nerve to call me ” not very intelligent. ” People are defending Marks right to earn a living with his knowledge of fish keeping if he so chooses. Those who do challenge his right to do so could be given a “tag name ” as well you know…. freeloader, cheap, user. Its rather impolite to label people just because you don’t approve of the way they gain their knowledge buy actually being willing to respect the person for his knowledge and pay for it.

    And to Mark I would say this. Plug away with your advertisements there is nothing wrong with them, it’s how you’ll recoup all the sacrificed time and energy you put into your business. That is called smart business. It’s your web site your content and it is your RIGHT to do so if you wish. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Derek S.

  • thomas norris says:


    “The main thing I don’t like is he took a show that was free and gave some good advice, and turned it into making money.”

    Really? Well you must not like the internet then? it was started as a hobby for some computer programmers and then turned into a money making thing, in fact tons of products and services have been born of that exact process.

    “I just don’t need to see three or four videos promoting it.”

    Do you call all the companies that advertise on tv with 10’s or 100’s of videos on the same product

    “Mark I didn’t need a free chapter of your guide to make things right I just needed the apology that you gave for making the video that was misleading.

    How exactly was it misleading??? The title was “Looking to win the war on a nuisance algae outbreak? Keep this in mind.” Not here is the big secret about macro algae life processes.

    then this gem of brilliance
    ” And to all the people who only take advice from mark and are to lazy research other ways or listen to other people’s advice because you think mark is giving you the only sound advice there is to be had well quite frankly your not very intelligent.”

    Followed with a contradiction
    “There is many ways to run a tank and you should investigate them all.”

    What if people like my self have investigated many ways and found that mark presents his method, which he has stated many times is one of many ways, to be the one we like.

    Daniel he does not owe you anything even an apology. lets see you start a channel and do it if you don’t like how he is doing it. you seem to not have the guts to do it yourself.

    Try this advice

    Lead, follow , or get the hell out of the way

  • slakker187 says:

    hey mark,
    thanks for the whole chapter on algae control. although, i dont think a whole chapter form the new guide was in order, but just that one tip would have done it. also the whole guide seems a bit pricey. maybe somewhere in the $25 range would be a little more acceptable to most people. just a thought. anyway, i still like the things you are doing. i look forward to your videos and dont really understand why someone would unsubscribe to your show, but that is their loss. keep up the good work. 🙂

  • Derek S says:

    Thomas Norris

    Well said!!

  • Tom yates says:

    Hi mark ..As a noob to salt water from across the pond i have found your site and videos a great help in my research before getting rid of the freshwater tropic tank… So sod the haters you’re doing a spiffing job chin up old boy +any other British stereo types you might know..

  • Bill says:

    Thomas, just to add to your many points…the internet bubble or crash happened because people woke up and realized that all these internet start ups, less two or three, could not explain or generate a dollar on the net. There is no shame in making a buck, even on the internet. Why should all the porno sites make all the money. Hmmmmm

    Mark…you should try that marketing ploy…”Fishy Porn!!!” second thought, I would tweak the title…heeheehee

  • leland says:

    I think your site and info have been great. I had a 55 gallon reef tank and it did not do well.I have sense started over with a 110 tall and have been following your tips and I am into my 4 month with my reef tank and it is doing great because of your advice.I just wanted to say thanks.

  • James L. says:

    I don’t mind paying for a guide considering how someone (Mark) goes through the trouble of putting together some handy information into a single source. There should be no shame in making some money. I manage multiple blog style sites myself, so I know there is significant effort put forth to maintain these ventures.

    However, I too think this guide is a tad on the expensive side. I thought at $37, it would have contained more valuable information. I would not have felt regret buying the guide if priced at $20. No, $37 does not ruin me financially (someone indicated we should not be in this hobby if we can’t afford $37), but I feel there should be more information for my $37.

    Mark does not need to apologize for trying to make money, but I also like to mention the site is starting to “dumb” down a little. The free advice, especially the Friday quick tips, are getting to be a bit too simple. I don’t even look forward to it anymore.

    While this site has always catered toward beginners, there should be more advanced topics covered without charge… which allows beginners following Mark to progress to the next level… without only entertaining the latest batch of beginners.

    What keeps me coming to this site are Mark’s well developed videos, his tank updates, and product/convention reviews. I’m sorry to say, however, I won’t be buying any more guides if they are priced above $20.

  • Louis says:

    We love the work you do Mark, and I hope you are here to stay a long time, my Friday morning at the office would’nt be the same without your Video….

    Keep on going, you did the right thing

  • John says:

    Hi Mark
    Dont let the minority worry you, we all love your tips and videos. Your doing a great job and we all appreciate it. Keep up the good work.

  • Monty Henson says:


    I’m new to your site and just wanted to tell you its fine to charge for your knowledge in my opinion. By informing people in the hobby you save them a lot of money in trial and error. Hell, I work in a water lab and still struggle from time to time. If $20.00 of knowledge can save you $400 of pain then im all for that. Its hard to find people who actually know what their talking about in the saltwater hobby. Ive had my 120 gallon tank up and running for about 10 years and i still seek help when I face a problem that’s new for me.

  • Tim says:

    I’ve learned a lot from you and you’ve saved a lot of my fish and coral!

  • Stinger says:

    forget about the FREELOADERS !! you have a huge fan base, I support you all the way! why did my last post get voided??

  • Ross says:

    Hi Mark,
    How inappropriate to apologise and plug your book again with a free sample.
    Why can’t you just bombard me with pop ups and ads all over the screen every time I visit your links.
    Russian brides or some online gambling anyone? Maybe a little extra staying power or added size while Mark gives us free advice every week?

    Seriously, I didn’t find the vid in question very helpful as I’ve never had algae issues. So what. I still watched it and have enjoyed watching many others.
    Keep up the good work big guy.

  • Dez says:

    The guy has put a lot of hard work into all this to help newbies like myself from making mistakes. Fair play to you, Mark. I suppose some people expect something for nothing all the time. I have found that Mark gives the most professional and watchable offerings on the internet by a long mile and always exhibits an air of humility. I, for one, will continue watching. Thanks, Mark.
    Dez (from the UK)

  • Claudio says:

    Hey Bud,
    Your a stand up guy. Good for you that you came up with the idea that you did. Thats what this country is all about, you provide great info and you got me back in the hobby. Its crazy, all those shows you travel to and the production, costs money. If you also make some money, God bless you brother. Thanks.

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