Mr. Saltwater Tank

Mr. Saltwater Tank Interviews Brett Raymer, Star of Animal Planet’s “Tanked”

A lot has been said about Animal Planet’s show “Tanked” and I wanted to talk to the horse’s mouth before forming my opinion.

Here’s my opinion on “Tanked”:

First, I think it is great that a show about saltwater tanks has hit mainstream TV. More people interested in saltwater tank hobby can’t hurt especially if these new comers are educated in the correct way about how to keep a tank.

Second, Could the show use more of an educational component?

Absolutely and I’m all for it.

However, that’s not Animal Planet’s format. Animal Planet has a format that works (reality TV drama) and very likely they’ll stick it to it as any network seeks to find a formula that works, then repeat it again and again and again. Branching out isn’t something networks like to do as they have no idea what the return ($$) will be. (Note: I’m not defending Animal Planet, I’m just letting you know how the reality TV industry works as I used to work in it.)

That being said, if you don’t like what you see on the show, talk to Animal Planet as they have the creative control over the show, so they can (and hopefully they will according to Brett) add in an educational component.

In other words, don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Third, Do I agree with all of what is show on the show? Absolutely not. Certainly people who watch Mr. Saltwater Tank TV know I don’t advocate filling your tank with tap water and adding in a lot of fish.

Does that mean I should hate Brett’s guts and flame him every chance I get?


The best thing we can do as a hobby is direct our suggestions (not flaming emails) to Animal Planet. Will Animal Planet respond? I can’t say, but if they got hundreds of thousands of emails, we will have a better chance of them paying attention than us sitting around complaining to each other about the show.

Lastly, after talking to Brett and clearly seeing that he’s out to help the hobby and to educate children on the wonders of the ocean, my hat is off to him for actually doing something about what he is passionate about.

I wish him much success in having his pilot program in Nevada schools be a huge success so that it gets implemented on a large scale. I don’t think any of us would complain if his program grew into a national program where there was a saltwater tank in every classroom.

If a program like that makes it to Texas schools, I’ll be happy to donate frags and equipment to see the program grow.


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Comments for this article (124)

  • Chris says:


    Great interview! Granted he did most of the talking. My nephews are just getting into the hobby and love this show. They all said its simple to setup a salt water tank. We took the time, and I the opportunity to set up a new tank and show them the way its done. All the things you don’t see on the show that have to happen to make it all come together. They have a little more respect for what they do on the show now. I look forward to the next season.

  • Bob says:

    Thanks for sharing this it helps a little (very little) and I think still shows they do not really care about the fish/corrals they say they care about. You can make learning entertaining. I am glad they know this and want to make those changes next year, but as they say the genie is out of the bottle.

  • Andrew says:

    Like the interview. I think the show is entertaining.

  • Deep Blue says:

    I hate to say it, cause I’m sure it may tick off other hobbyists on these issues… But I agree with Brett entirely. It IS tv. Entertainment period.
    I think on the personal side, Wayde, Brett and others at ATM know the hobby side of things and the proper way to do things. As said, the show is “reality tv” meant for entertainment only. Things are left out and some things are added that are not exactly true. To make the shows comedic drama.. Complain to Animal planet but it’s not really ATMs goal to steer people wrong on purpose. They have their show on. Enjoy it if you will. I do! None of my hobby experiences for the last 30 years have mirrored what the program all! LOL That still doesn’t make me enjoy the tv show any less. How much should one believe what they see on tv? Come on people. Even the news is sometimes fabricated. If your going to get into the hobby in real life, do the research. Talk to other hobbyists and lfs owners. Read lots of good books by tested authors in the hobby. Do people rush into hobbies to find themselves leaving because of expense and costly mistakes? YES. All the time. It’s not a television programs fault. I don’t think “Tanked” is going to bring an influx of newbies to fail. I wish a lot of other industry people & hobbyists would honestly think about this and stop taking it so seriously. Enjoy the program or don’t. But don’t compare it to the real life hobby or blame it for making things worse. That’s ridiculous. The only thing that causes people to fail is the same as any other decision… Did you do your responsible research before jumping on that real estate deal, that job, buying that dog, or keeping that rare animal.. same stuff. People can only blame themselves.

  • wicz101 says:

    Good interview,That guy can talk, I understand were Brett is coming from, it’s a show for entertainment. If it helps the hobby grow awesome and even with out the show there are going to be newbies out there making the mistakes we all make our 1st time around. I agree chill out on the show, I’m going to watch it, enjoy it, and hope that with each episode there is more education about the hobby.

    Mark love your show,website, and what you do for the hobby. Thank you

  • Brian Davis says:

    I believe Bret has had to explain that before (: it is what it is. That was a nice interview.

  • wesleyforbes says:

    Hey, I agree with what you are saying and what the interview is saying. In order for the show to be entertaining, in a specific amount of time, they have to edit things and show what they believe people want to see. In this case people want to hear the stories behind the tanks, the build of the tank, and the final product. Could they be a little more responsible, yes, but the show is going to bring new comers into the local fish stores and then that’s when the real life education begins.

  • steve says:

    I dont believe the show is promoting the hobby…..thats a false reality he is giving leading people to believe those tanks will be successful. This will only hurt the hobby as people go out buy aquariums and realize….oooops. How about the jukebox tank….what a nightmare to clean….wheres the filtration….and the probably wont survive….what a nightmare….the show needs to be TANKED…..IMO

  • gobstarr420 says:

    That really helped knowing that coming from the co owner of atm that when it really comes down to the science they know that they are doing. You can’t tell a busines how to do things we the the cosumer are just that.they took it to next level in the hobbie they now get paid to do wht they love so cool thanx mark.

  • term_paint says:

    Well after this i have some real mixed emotions. I would have like it better if he had said that they did not take the water right from the hose or use hot water but i beleive that they did. Dont get me wrong i love the show and dvr it every week. The other point I wanted to make is it seems like he is very full of himself. Kinda came off arrogant about who they are and the amount of people they employee. Now like i say it may be me but to just make a show where it could cause fish and corals to hurt and die is just not good for the hobby. IT is very easy to say go google the nonsense that we show you….And it is someone elses problem to teach you…oh and by the way on tv from now on we will show the water coming from a barrel that we just took the hose out of……!!

  • term_paint…what he meant in the video when he said, “I learn it as I watch the show and you watch the show” is that he doesn’t get to see the show before it air. Therefore, he “learns” that the editors showed him putting in tap water only when the show actually airs. The way he said it makes it sound strange. I actually talked to him the night before and he said he has 0 creative control over the show. The crew comes in a shoots, then they go away and edit, then he gets to watch it like everyone else.

    I can see where his personality can turn people off. He’s got the fast talking/strong New Yorker/Jersey accent that can overwhelm people. I personally think its amusing as those people get real emotional and get talking fast.

  • pbnj says:

    What a cop-out, Brett. Are you physically setting-up shark tanks with hot tap-water on the show in a matter of hours or are the producers from AnimalPlanet? These aren’t 3-tiered fondant cakes they’re selling, like Cake Boss. Yes, Brett and his family are about bringing attention/people to the hobby. But, more specifically, they’re about bringing new customers to their business to build/buy tanks. I’m a free enterprise kinda guy and more power to them for effectively promoting their business (I never heard of them before the show), but this guy’s not fooling anyone who truly understands the hobby.

  • pbnj says:

    For all the LFS owners/employees, I’m sure the word “Tanked” will become even more dreaded than the word “Nemo”.

  • Sabrina says:

    I like the show… Its funny and my kids love it too. I have multiple tanks including octopuses and take the responsibility to educate my kids about it myself. Do I think that ~ANIMAL PLANET~ should SHOW the proper care of these animals YES! But I don’t think for ONE SECOND that ATM is RESPONSIBLE for the rest of the hobby. We (the hobby/forums etc) get MAD at people when they act stupid and put a Queen Angel or Sailfin Tang in a 55 gallon tank, then they come to us and say WHATS THE PROBLEM! We give them advice, not all of it good, does that make it our fault that their tank bombed? NO! Its your responsible to READ and LEARN what you are doing! I am so sick and TIRED of people who think and act as though they are exempt from their own blame. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF!!! NO ONE ELSE!!!

    I love the school initiative and REALLY get behind that.

    I wish he would have pointed us to where we could get more info on the products he was talking about though.

  • term_paint says:

    I think we should just have MR Saltwater Tank on TV. Sorry to bang that drum also but i have learned so much from Mark. Keep up the good work and they should be interviewing you. Thanks

  • pbnj says:

    I disagree wholeheartedly with those describing this show as “just entertainment”. All it would take is one overzealous, upset lawmaker who understands even the basics of marine biology to shutdown this hobby and impact all of us.

  • luv4paws says:

    This interview just solidified my decision to not watch the show any further. This guy is a donkey. It doesn’t matter if he is from New York or anywhere else in the world, all I hear out of his mouth is Hee-Haw. Furthermore, “marine science”? In the high school I went to we had marine biology, it was for the flunkies and athletes who couldn’t pass real science class.

  • John k says:

    yeah…thats just great. Taking fish from the ocean and toss them in these “wonderful homes”

  • Jai says:

    This show makes a mockery of our hobby! Entertainment aside, you still don’t just show tons of things you can’t really do. It leads people in the wrong direction. If im a newbie looking to get into the hobby, (like we all once were) I am going to take what their doing as fact. We all did it at the start and someone not knowing will most likely think that what they do is the correct way to do things. Great way to turn off new reefers when they set up a tank with hot tap water and think they can just use some kind of miracle bacteria so they can instantly add fish and corals. My television is not going to be tuned in to this show that I honestly was hoping to see (haven’t seen it yet). Sorry Animal Planet, better luck next time.

  • Devin says:

    Agreed about how its a great show but I think they over do it with the tanks they make. A tank should be judged on how it looks on the inside not on the outside!

  • Heathd says:

    What a cop out on Brett’s part, and then he turns around and puts the onus of education on the LFS.
    I have met some great LFS who’s top priority is to educate and ensure the needs of their livestock are met even after they leave the store. Sadly, I have met many more LFS who go out of their way to sell you snake oil and make a quick buck on a persons lack of knowledge.

    The show does provide entertainment value, and it does get the hobby out. Do their procedure and actions portray the hobby in a negative light? Well, only if the person viewing it knows better, but they will end up hurting the hobby in the long run if they dont (at a minimum) try to get a quick word in edgewise about proper filtration, acclimation, and inhabitant selection. Yes, I understand that he didnt know what the editors were going to do, and I can easily believe that. However, if they are picked up for another season, they need to make a push let people know that there is much more to it then what they would lead you to believe.

  • Nate_Bro says:

    First of all these new products, how are they any different then Amquel or PRIME, and how do you lets say take tap water (100TDS) then add some magic “New Product” and end up with 0 TDS….

    just because Chlorine and other heavy metals have been bound or oxidized dose not mean they should touch your aquarium.

    also if they are serious about the free samples, I would like to setup some tanks and do some comparisons…

  • Don says:

    I have watched three “Tanked” shows and that is enough for me. Their tanks are not very interesting… they are so… Las Vegas. I like a more natural look.

  • Sarah says:

    There are going to be a lot of mistreated fish and marine life because of this show and the people who will jump on its bandwagon. I don’t think it’s in any way Brett’s fault (although he does look like an idiot in this interview. “misconstruted” isn’t a word…”) but I do think that Animal Planet could use their platform to promote the correct, humane way to build/maintain aquariums. They have an unbelievable opportunity/social responsibility that I think they’re ignoring.

  • Fran says:


  • Mark F says:

    Mark, you look a little shell shocked there…
    I too, think it’s a cop out to say it’s just for entertainment purposes. You are in this business and you have a responsibility to the live animals you are selling and to the public you are selling them to. So, you and animal planet can take a couple minutes of programing to put in a disclaimer, or provide some education to potential future aquarists.
    I enjoy the aquarium part of the show, not the “reality” part.
    I like how you put yourself up there with the President and Bill Gates, funny stuff.
    Fun show, keep it moving forward. The public could get burnt out just seeing tank after tank, so that could be an opportunity to inject more husbandry and education.

  • Joe says:

    Entertainment? Tanked is a insult to the hobby. Bring in more people to the hobby? I don’t think so. This show is why I would like to get rid of cable TV. TV is so splintered that adding Tanked is worst than watching commercials . And we are paying for them! Wake up people! I hate the show.

  • BobbyT says:

    I agree completely! I think Mark should be put on the show, and be the guy that takes over once the tank has been built. Like the smart guy that tests the water and adds the fish and such. He could design the inside of the tank and add the equipment.
    The two meat heads can put the tank together and hull it in to the location, make a few jokes, Then get lost and hand it over to Mr saltwater tank (mark) . That would be entertaining as well as educational to watch!

  • Fritz says:

    “But they did it on tanked. You guys obviously don’t know what you are doing if you say you can only handle 3 tangs MAX in a 75!”

  • BobbyT says:

    ultimately ultimately ultimately!!!!!!!!!!!
    thats all he says in this interview. Ultimately he’s a douch for saying it 12 times

  • Quik Z06 says:

    Now where as I do agree this is a show and no one wants to watch a show that turns into a documentary, I do have to say having a disclaimer at the start of the program would many many enthusiasts happy. One other thing they can do is leave some clips on the cutting room floor (ie the removing starfish out of the water and holding other fish in their hands). If they wish to do this, lets not advertize on TV its a good thing, because its not. We don’t need to see people walking into pet stores and grabbing out fish.

    Just as the movie Finding Nemo almost decimated the clown fish population with every kid wanting a Nemo and Dori, this show will entice many families to look into salt as an alternative to fresh water tanks. Lets just hope a small disclaimer to do research before buying would be added.

  • Zac says:

    I want a marine science class in my highschool

  • Matman says:

    I think he’s right about the show having to be entertaining as it is primary for the general public. They are entertaining guys and I enjoy the show!

    Of course I told myself that those awesome gorgonias in the reef tank on the last show were probably not going to last very long hehe. I would also have suggested a shallower tank for a reef tank, it must be hell to always use those long arms to reach your corals.

  • Kovy says:


  • Frankie Torres says:

    Mark Thanks for the interview- Brett is in the business I fell to make money- so what would anyone else do to make more Money, make a show about it. I just think it’s all about money and nothing more- helping the kids and education? I have yet to see it helping the kids and making it educational. I have 4 daughters and after they watched the show Tanked they are asking me why cant you just throw fish in the water like they do on show they know what they are doing???? I laughed and told them it was incorrect. But I am not here to talk junk about it just given and example that this show is showing many people on how to kill fish instead of cycling the tank like it’s suppose to be… I mean the magic of TV is great but it can take 2-6 weeks to actually cycle a tank properly… I think that’s my hole dilemma about the show….

  • Chad says:

    Brett said he has been in business for fifteen years and just recently learned he was not supposed to use tap or hot water? What? How does that happen?

  • Chad says:

    I vote for mark to move Mrsaltwater tank tv to the discovery channel. I already watch all of his videos.

  • Craig says:

    I get it, it’s for entertainment but these guys still have the responsibility (and with 15yrs experience) should know not to crowd those tanks!! The show is pretty funny but they have no clue how to set up a real reef tank. All the corals are fake they just wanna make a buck off some millionaires. But hey they got my wife’s attention now she thinks it’s as easy as the show…tiny tank and 100 fish!!! Bingo reef tank. oh and a shark to boot!!
    MRSWT for president!!

  • marc says:

    First i would like to say thanks to mark for everything your doing for the hobby
    one day your show will be on TV hopefully soon 🙂

    for the comment about the show tanked …
    the weird setups they make are kinda cool but as a reef junky i am sorry to say that the show is getting a new breed of tank dabbler that looks at the show and start in the hobby with a lot of miss conceptions
    hopefully they will work on the show to at least explain a few things

    thanks mark


  • Rick says:

    Why does everyone think he’s a fast talker, im from NY andimnotafasttalker!!!!!!!! I can see it from both sides, I understand what people are saying as they are promoting the wrong methods in there show, but they are still promoting the hobby. Since the show started I have seen this first hand, many of my friends watch the show and have approached me with a genuine interest in the hobby, compared to other times in the past when I have tried to explain the basic start up methods and chemestry of water, which they quickly seemed overwhelmed and discouraged and never followed through. Although now I am constantly faced with “why did you wait so long to start your tank (cycle) , these guys put water and fish in the same day” which I reply that I dont know how they do that and its either good editing, maybe they come back 6 weeks later to add the fish or they use pre cycled water from an existing tank , or they are just doing it the wrong way for entertainment purpose. Id like to see what products he talks about, but from most of our experience the magic cycle in a bottle trick never works. so either his customers end up with dead fish or they re-do it the right way off camera. IDK. I have seen so many mistakes and wrong doings while watching this show, but it is still “entertaining” which is what the purpose is in the first place. so like I said, It does get people interested in the hobby but promotes bad habbits. hopefully the people watching who want to get into the hobby will do there own research before following the bad habbits in the show. Lastly the only thing I wasnt happy with is when he was knocking the hobbyist who makes $8 and spends his money on his tank. To me that is the true hobbyist. I personally am not as dedicated as many of the true hobbyist’s are but I still do enjoy the hobby. People keep calling him an a$$hole, but I dont think so, hes just a typical NY’r were all a little bit of an a$$hole hahaha some people are just to sensitive.

  • Ethan says:

    I rarely leave comments on sites, however, I see an opportunity with this show for education. Even though the show does not include an education component, it will stimulate interest in people not currently involved in the hobby, be it fresh water, salt, reef, whatever. The education component, even if included in the show, would not even scratch the surface of knowledge from people in the hobby, LFS, marine biologists, engineers, plumbers, electricians, and all the hats that we try to wear as hobbyists (and we are all experts!). So, the education of ‘newbies’ entering this hobby rely on US more than anything. Think about whom you asked questions of when you were new?? Surely it wasn’t an entertainment television show.

  • Don says:

    Great interview, even though it really didn’t go into the hobby directly. I really enjoyed it. Brett is my favorite character from the show. I watch the show for it’s entertainment purposes. I like the different style tanks that ATM creates. I have been more upset about the fellow hobbyist that have been bashing the show then the flaws I have seen in the show. Personally, especially from the episode where they did educate a little on what an isolation tank was, or when they educated the family on a reef tank and the benefits of a refugium, I believe they do know what they are doing. As Brett stated it is not his fault that the editors made him or Wayde look like idiots, it’s an entertainment show.

    As far as those products he stated ATM was going to be releasing soon, both the instant biological system and tap water converter; I would being a willing advocate for them. I know he said he was looking for volunteers. I am in the process of upgrading from a 55 gallon reef to a 240 gallon. So, Mark if you would be willing to pass along my info, I would greatly appreciate it.


  • Reefgirlv says:

    1) I give Brett a lot of credit for opening himself up to so many personal attacks. Ultimately he did not have to give anyone an interview

    2) if you are in this hobby and have kept a fish tank, then you more then anyone know should know that that what the show tanked does is entertain. I am also sure that as hobbyists we are smart enough to know that there is a lot we do not see. Do you think for one second that this company could be as successful as it is if they left a slew of dead fish in their wake? Highly unlikely

    3) seriously he seems arrogant is that really a fair statement? Maybe he is confident in his belief that he will attract new life to the hobby we proclaim to love. Stating he is an idiot because he comes from new York is just ignorant.

    4) Brett Raymer and tanked being the cause of the hobby dying is nonsense. Ultimately we the hobbyists will become the downfall of our hobby if we do not embrace what this show has the potential to do for our hobby. new love for this hobby is needed, and you are not going to get that with lfs across the board going under.

    5) ultimately (gotta love that word) if you don’t have nothing nice to say say nothing. Further if you all the negative nelly’s were as wise as they proclaim then they would know that all the negative press is only giving the show more success, so I am guessing every person giving a negative comment is ultimately looking forward to the success of the show.

    Btw great interview. I like the show, I like the work, and I liked meeting Brett at macna he was very nice and if you took ten ti e to talk to him, he would have cleared up any misconceptions you may have had. Friday nights “tanked” on animal planet stay tuned

  • Reefgirlv says:

    Ps sorry if the post is choppy, ipad issues

  • frnkbonz says:

    Well first of all it is TV. I love the show and my wife is “hooked” on it as well. ATM would not be in business if they had a lot of unhappy customers with dead fish and coral because they did not set the tank up right for them. What this show does for newbies is to make them go to their LFS and get advice in getting started. I know when I started I did a lot of research and asked tenured hobbiest to have a successful tank. In this hobby, there is no shortage of opinions/experiences and advice…. That being said, not everyone is going to agree with every opinion that comes across their way in doing things to have a perfect aquarium, it is a learning experience for everyone and success is what makes this hobby the best in the world.

  • The guru says:

    1) He gave the interview and went to MACNA because he wants exposure so he can get more money. Thats what he said when I talke to him.

    2) There are plenty of very successful businesses that do a crappy job and continue to get new business. PR is more important than reality. Word on the street is that ATM was going under and was only saved by getting the show.

    3) True, but he is very arrogant. Its all about the money, and if you disagree with him about anything, you are one of the “bad people”

    4) The show may give opponents of the hobby ammo. Maybe not. The jury is out on the show being good or bad. Its good for ATM though, don’t forget that.

    5) I hate that argument. Anyone should be able to say anything they like. And, almost always, the statement ‘if you don’t have nothing nice to say say nothing’ is followed by something not nice, and the above post didn’t disappoint.

    I found Brett to be self aggrandizing and almost transparently manipulative. I am not really sure why he got to stand up on Friday night and pimp his show – really, reading an email about a kid with autism and thanking god for the show? Poor taste. It was interesting to watch him unravel over the weekend – did anyone see the shouting match on Saturday? I talked to him and he was gross – people who disagree with him are stupid, its all about the money, and hobbyists kill fish too so its ok.

    Clear up the misconceptions? He is pimping his cash cow and anything he says should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

  • Tamsyn Wood says:

    Guess what? People are in business to make money! This should not be news but apparently some of us seem unaware. Your local lfs is out to make a buck, your local car dealer is out to make a buck and shockingly ATM is out to make a buck. Why is it that, in the age of Google, people still complain because somebody who runs a business (and by definition out to make money) gives them bad advice? Caveat Emptor people! Come on, take some responsibility for your own actions. I would like to bet that any lfs that tells people that the most humane thing to do is fishless cycle a tank over approximately 6 weeks will lose more custom than it gets. That is the nature of the beast. People want tanks full of fish and they want them NOW, not in 6 weeks after being told that they also need to buy a $25+ test kit and not the $5 strips. Most of the people I know that have tanks had massive disasters, most gave up but some (including me) wondered why it was a disaster, did our own research and figured it out. That was back in the days before Google so it involved a lot of library time. Now there is no excuse, there is a world full of information at your fingertips. What else would you spend that kind of money on without doing your research? It’s about time people started taking responsibility for their actions rather than looking to blame others because they were too lazy to check it out for themselves.

  • Darrell says:

    The show is awesome, these guys are awesome and do amazing things. The “old guard” doesn’t get a lot of new things happening in the hobby and they are completely ignorant of the cycling process in general.

    You can learn from Wayde and Brett. They didn’t become the #1 aquarium builders in the world by killing and abusing a bunch of fish.

  • Boonjob says:

    I can’t believe the hate I am reading towards these guys from the hobby population in general….To the soothsayers and purists–You simply can’t shove everything you need to know about aquariums into a 1hr show or for that matter a season of 10-24 shows…. lets bring em in with entertainment and let them do their own research…I used to watch OCC this is no different… I can’t watch a season of Paulie and Paul scream at each other for an hour and expect to go out and build my own $120k chopper… why expected anything different from this very same liked show?

  • The guru says:

    Old guard? Ha!
    What does building aquariums have to do with knowing how to keep fish?

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