I’m Taking Over SaltwaterAquarium.com’s YouTube Channel

The offer of unlimited pulsing Xenia was too much to resist!
Read moreHeaded to Dubai

In July 2017, I’m headed to the Middle East to talk at the premiere aquatic store in the region
Read moreMr. Saltwater Tank Go-Kart Challenge Recap

Twenty racers faced off for over $4,500 and here’s what happened when the green flag dropped.
Read moreThe Mr. Saltwater Tank V.I.P. Trip Returns To Fiji

The response from trip participants was overwhelming and they asked me to go back…this year. Now you can get in on the trip of a lifetime – even if you aren’t coming from the USA!
Links in this video: www.mrsaltwatertank.com/fiji…
Read moreA Lady Reef Junkie Joins the Fiji Trip
Continuing to learn about saltwater aquariums is one of the best things you can do for you tank. Now there is a chance to learn from an expert with over 25 years of experience, and for you to sit down …
Read moreWrite-Up Wednesday: Automation Trust Factor

Write Up Wednesday: The automation trust factor
You trust your tank’s seals to not leak. You trust your tank’s stand to hold the weight of the tank. When you automate anything on your saltwater tank, you are trusting the equipment …
Read moreYour Summer Reading List

Remember those summer reading lists back in grade school? The ones where you’d read books about loss of innocence or boys lost on a tropical island and power was defined by who possessed a conch shell?
Don’t worry, those books …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays: The Easiest Starter Anemone For Your Saltwater Tank

Terrible Advice Tuesdays: Sebae Anemones (Heteractis crispa) are a great starter anemone for your saltwater tank.
The rest of the story: Sebae anemones are a very tempting anemone to keep as they come in a variety of colors …
Read moreWrite-Up Wednesday: Undergravel Filters
An undergravel filter consists of a plastic plate with small slits that sits under the gravel (crushed coral is often used in saltwater tanks) and water is pulled through the plate by either an air stone or powerhead. The idea …
Read moreWrite-Up Wednesday: Six-Line Wrasse
Today I’m rolling out a new feature on Mr. Saltwater tank.com called “Write Up Wednesday”. Each Wednesday I’ll do a write-up about a fish/coral/invertebrate/piece of equipment including my thoughts on the subject. For those of you that follow me on …
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