Write-Up Wednesday: 3 Phosphate Removing Medias and My Experiences With Each

Phosphate (PO4) is directly related to algae outbreaks and coral health as lower phosphates (<0.03 ppm) usually mean less algae outbreaks and healthier corals. I say “usually” because every tank is different. Some tanks do well on lower phosphates, some …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays: Interpreting The Haze

Terrible Advice Tuesdays: A haze-like film of algae on your tank’s glass means your tank has a nutrient problem.
The rest of the story: The amount of nutrients needed to grow a haze-like film of algae on your tank’s glass …
Read moreWrite-Up Wednesday: Coralline algae

Coralline algae is a red algae and the pink or purple form is more common in saltwater aquariums. In the ocean coralline algae is found on nearly every reef and in the wild several unique forms exist such as types …
Read moreWrite-Up Wednesday: Tuxedo Urchin
One of my favorite mobile invertebrates of all time is the Tuxedo Urchin (Mespilia globulus).
Tuxedo Urchins are small sea urchins that have broad bands of color in between their spine rows. Most tuxedo urchins are blue or …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays (T.A.Tues): Clean Fish Food Doesn’t Have This In It
Terrible Advice Tuesdays: “Brand XYZ of fish food has zero phosphates in it”
The rest of the story: Fish food is made up matter that was once alive such as algae or fleshy foods like mysis or brine shrimp …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays: What’s Really Needed to Grow Coraline Algae
Terrible Advice Tuesdays: Coraline algae will only grow under metal halide lights.
The rest of the story: Those metal halide manufacturers must really be grasping for straws these days!
Algae needs light and nutrients to grow. Coraline algae also benefits …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays: Windows = Algae Outbreak
Terrible Advice Tuesdays: Placing a saltwater tank near a window means you’ll have algae outbreaks.
The rest of the story: Old wife’s tale, Terrible Advice Tuesdays. Terrible Advice Tuesdays, meet old wife’s tale. As explained in the algae guide, if …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays (T.A.Tues): Nuisance Algae Control Method Kills Corals?
Terrible Advice Tuesdays (T.A.Tues): 3 days of darkness will harm your corals
The rest of the story: 3 days of darkness is a method used to control nuisance algae. The idea behind it is simple: without light, algae dies. Also …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays (T.A.Tues): Cheap Dental Care For Saltwater Fish
Terrible Advice Tuesdays: Gracilaria (a type of macro algae) is a great thing to feed puffer fish to help wear down their teeth.
The rest of the story: Oh boy. Someone really screwed up their food groups.
First, most puffers …
Read moreTerrible Advice Tuesdays (T.A.Tues): Algae And This Food Go Hand in Hand?
Terrible Advice Tuesdays: Flaked fish food will cause algae problems in your tank.
The rest of the story: Poor flaked fish food. What a unwarranted bad reputation.
Here’s the facts: Any fish food can cause algae problems in your tank. …
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