Mr. Saltwater Tank

An Update on Mr. Saltwater Tank’s 450 Gallon Peninsula Tank

My tank is coming along and I wanted to fill you in on it’s progress.

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Comments for this article (25)

  • Mark H. says:

    Glad to see you back Mark, love the tank.

  • Martin Johnson says:

    Good to see you’re still around – have always found your advice very useful and relevant.

  • John says:

    Looks good. You’re probably having the same challenge I am. With all my work travel it’s hard to keep up with the tank. Let alone manage a YouTube / TV channel

  • Ken L says:

    You’re Back!

  • steve dodd says:

    hI Mark , nice to see you again , really miss your weekly updates and tips

  • Sava says:

    Hi Mark,
    what is the coral from 2:08 min?

  • Matt says:

    Hey mark,
    I’m curious if/when you do switch back to all LED if you will go to radions or stay with the eco exotic light you currently have.

  • Gene says:

    Welcome Back !

  • Darren Cpaon says:

    Hey mark great to see you again missed your videos

  • Daniel says:

    Where did you get the water tanks in your new build?I have been looking for something very similar for my very own tank as it would hold my Ro water which I don’t have yet. Thank you and always enjoy the videos.

  • Len says:

    Welcome back!!! Tank is looking awesome!!

  • Ayla says:

    Great to see you back Mark. Your tank looks beautiful and as inspiring as always x

  • Jeff C says:

    Didn’t realize how much I looked forward to the videos until they were gone for a while. Your advice and experience has saved me so much time and frustration – truly appreciated and good to hear from you again Mark!

  • Darren Thomas says:

    Good to see you are spending some time at home. Anyone who follows you on Facebook knows how busy you have been. I think I may have heckled you about getting some rest. You looked like you were going to drop. Tank looks great! BTW

  • Darren…thanks and if the tank looks great, that’s all that matters right!

  • Thanks Jeff C. Working on making videos more regular going forward.

  • Daniel…call Robert @ Tell him I sent you

  • Joe says:

    Glad you’re back!
    Was that an Aiptasia I saw hiding under one of those beautiful corals?

  • Jimmy says:

    Got to say i have a man crush on you. Glad to see you back. All your tanks have always looked awesome. i am jealous.

  • Joe…it was! And I’ve got the nudibranchs on it.

  • Dave says:

    Welcome Back, I missed your t-shirts! and I guess the useful, informative and well thought out videos as well ;-}

  • Sergio says:

    Nice to see you back Mark, thanks for all the great advice!

  • John says:

    Can you help me to identify coral from 2:08 min?

  • Alex says:

    Can you do a tank crash survival video? Thanks

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