Get Ripped While Working On Your Tank
Going to the gym is a real drag, especially when you could be working on and enjoying your tank.
So why not combine these two activities into a routine that will give you a total body workout, that you can actually enjoy.
I show you how to do it, in 3 easy steps.
Browse the Store! Questions?
Hi there,
I’ve seent the phosphate video on mr. Saltwater Tank and I like very much of the video and thanks for your site.
I’ve got one question regarding that video I think is missing the dosage aproximately for a reef tank.
Is the Rowa Phos good ?
Could it be combined with activated carbon ?
Thanks for your great site.
How much to dose is dependent on the maker of the phosphate media. Check their directions for exact amounts.
Rowa Phos is a good product, but not the cheapest.
I personally use Bulk Reef Supply’s Granulated Ferric Oxide (GFO) since its cheaper and works well. I noticed your domain is not US-based so if you are outside the US, you would need to check with Bulk Reef Supply on international shipping.
Phosphate media can be mixed with carbon IF the phosphate media is big enough to not move through the carbon and out of the bag/reactor. For example, ROWA is pretty small and would easily move out of a reactor or a media bag. Bulk Reef Supply’s GFO would not. I run both carbon and GFO in my reactor.
– Mark
just great advice always welcome thanks again
Does your salt manufacturer ship a leotard with their mixes? Otherwise there’s no reason for a grown man should own one is there? haha 🙂 Hope this gets a revamp as it’s a few years old now, include some squats!