Mix Your Own Saltwater
Making your own saltwater is a great way to save money vs. buying it pre-made from a local fish store. Here is how to mix your own and the one big thing you have make sure you do before you add it to your tank.
Browse the Store! Questions?
Hi Mark –
Someone from the LFS told me that saltwater cannot be mixed and left without keeping it moving with a powerhead for more than so many hours (can’t remember how many he said) or it goes bad. Is that true? I keep unmixed water on hand that I top the tank with due to evaporation, but really want to also have mixed saltwater for emergencies and would only keep it long enough and rotate it if not needed with the two week water changes. So can mixed saltwater be kept for two weeks in a sealed container and be ok?
Also, I was wondering if there really is a difference between salts. LFS said there is because of trace elements between the brands and suggested using a “reef salt” for that reason. I for one have not needed to dose my tank yet as it is only 4 mths old with any supplements except calcium when needed, but there are different brands and of course the costs are a factor too. as my tank matures I should perhaps consider this. Would appreciate your opinion on these as well.
Thanks – and keep up the great work! I have learned so much from you and really enjoy your videos…. and yes I know my tank personality…I am definately an enthusiast but loving it!
Debbie…leaving freshly mixed saltwater is fine. I always have 5 gallons of mixed saltwater on hand at anytime. And I don’t aerate it.
You cannot do the same with tank water tho as tank water has bacteria in it that would die and turn foul.
Salts are a touchy subject with saltwater people. The short answer is yes there is a difference between salt brands, but IMO, unless you get into the “complex” salt mixes like Tropic Marin Bioactif. They are all the same. Some might mix up with more calcium, other with more Magnesium, but overall, it is all the same stuff.
Hi Mark, this is a great video!
I am about to start my first reef system.
The display tank will be 125gallon and the sump tank 55gallon.
Since I don’t have any fish or corrals yet, can I mix my saltwater directly in the main tank?
If yes, should I do this prior to adding the sand and the (dead) rocks or it doesn’t matter?
Thanks you so much!