The #1 Tip to Have Your Tank Thrive
This one is really easy and covers all the tank personalities:
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Or in tank speak,Keep your hands out of your tank!
Tanks like gradual changes and the more you are moving rocks around, or re-arranging the placement of corals, or put in or remove fish, the more you are mixing up the environment. After a change in the environment, everything has to readjust. The more you can leave your tank be, the better.
And if you do change something, just do it slowly and leave it be for 2 weeks to see what effect it has on your tank before you go changing something else. Less is more here.
Here’s a video of my friend’s tank who once the coral is in his tank he doesn’t touch it. (BTW…the tank is about 1 yr old and it looks this good)
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